The Pyhrn Motorway Toll
The Pyhrn Motorway A9 in Austria runs from the city of Wels in Upper Austria via Graz to the Slovenian border. Since it is considered an important connecting road and the traffic volume on the motorway is correspondingly high, many decide to pay the toll for the Pyhrn motorway online.
The fact that there are delays on the A9 from time to time is not only due to the many cars that travel the roads of Austria every year, but also due to the toll booths. On the Pyhrn motorway (or autobahn), there are several stations where motorists are prevented from continuing their trip without paying the toll first.
The check-points on the A9 were upgraded just a few months ago. Drivers who have already paid the digital route toll at the Gleinalmtunnel or the Bosrucktunnel can now pass through the stations even faster. We have put together all the important information on the digital route toll in the following article.
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Pyhrn Motorway
In the past, drivers who have travelled from Austria to Slovenia have typically paid the toll directly at the toll station. Now, however, there is a much easier way to pay the toll on the A9.
You simply register online with your license plate number, pay, and just a few moments later, you will receive the ticket confirmation by e-mail. Travelling through Austria has never been so easy! Here is an overview of the most important details about the route toll ticket.
Online registration can be completed with just a few clicks. To be able to automatically pass the desired toll station on the A9, you only need to provide some information.
Among the information that must be stated in the driver’s account are their name, license plate number, and a valid e-mail address. After payment, all the documents needed to pass through the toll booth are sent by e-mail.
Video tolls for trips on the A9 are available online at several locations. One of them is the web portal of ASFINAG, the Austrian infrastructure company. A so-called “consumer protection period” of 18 days is prescribed by ASFINAG when purchasing the substitute toll.
If you want to get on the road immediately, you can use our offer without this waiting period. Our digital route ticket is aimed at drivers whose trip through the tunnel is to begin today (or within the 18-day period after purchase).
Drivers who buy a digital route toll ticket in advance need no longer put up with annoying delays at the respective toll booth on the A9 Pyhrn Motorway. By getting into the lane for motor vehicles with a digital ticket, you can leave the traffic behind you.
As a result of the upgrade mentioned above, there are no longer any waiting times in the barrier-free toll lane. To find the correct lane, you just must follow the signs.
Buying the toll for the
Bosrucktunnel and
As far as buying the route toll ticket is concerned, you have several options on the A9 Pyhrnautobahn. You can either buy the ticket exclusively for the Bosrucktunnel or the Gleinalmtunnel, or if you are travelling through both tunnels, a combined ticket is available.

Trip and route
There are two toll booths on the Pyhrnautobahn. Coming from Wels, the first station is located at the Spital/Pyhrn junction and the Ardning junction (Bosrucktunnel). The second toll station is located between the St. Michael junction and Übelbach (Gleinalmtunnel).
Route toll for vacationers travelling through Austria
Since many vacationers do not stay in Austria but travel further south to Slovenia, buying the toll for one tunnel exclusively at only one of the two toll stations is out of the question for most. However, it is possible to exclusively use one of the two toll lane entrances.
Buying the vignette for the
Bosrucktunnel onlyA single trip through the Bosrucktunnel with a passenger car weighing less than 3.5 tons costs 6 euros (plus administrative fees).
If you decide to pay only for a single trip, you must make sure that you leave the motorway at the right time. If you pass the barrier-free toll booth at the Gleinalmtunnel without a toll ticket, you will be fined.
Buying the vignette for the
Gleinalmtunnel onlyAs mentioned before, you can purchase a single trip through the Gleinalmtunnel. The toll costs 10 euros (plus administrative fees).
If, for example, you only enter the motorway in Leoben to travel from there to Graz, it is not obligatory to pay for the first section of the A9.
Toll fees for the Pyhrn Motorway
To calculate the total cost of driving on the Pyhrnautobahn, you just must add the two previously mentioned rates. Thus, for the combined ticket for both tunnels, the total charge is 16 euros (plus administrative fees).
For drivers who use the route more often, a yearly pass is also available. This ticket costs 111 euros (plus administrative fees) and entitles drivers to use the tunnels on the Pyhrnautobahn for 365 days.
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Don’t forget your
e-vignette for Austria
Although you must pay a special toll for the Pyhrn Motorway and a vignette is officially not required for using the tunnels, you should not forget to buy a vignette for the sections before and after it.

Vignette on motorways and expressways
On Austria’s motorways and expressways, the vignette is generally compulsory. Nowadays, the vignette is no longer only available as a sticker—a digital vignette option is offered.
If you decide to buy your vignette for Austria online, you will no longer have to stop at the sales offices. You can use the toll roads right away.
Caution: the specifications apply exclusively to vehicles up to 3.5 tons. Truck drivers use a so-called “Go Box” to calculate the charges.
Special toll routes in Austria
There are a total of six special toll routes or toll stations in Austria. Routes such as the A13 Brennerautobahn, the A10 Tauernautobahn, or the Arlberg Schnellstraße (St. Jakob toll station) are also popular with holidaymakers.
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