Pay the Tauern Tunnel Toll Online
During holiday time, delays are particularly frequent on Austria’s roads. To avoid possible traffic jams at the toll booths, it is a good idea to buy the toll for the Tauern Tunnel online in advance.
The Tauerntunnel on the A10 is one of the country’s special toll routes. Holidaymakers travelling from Austria to Italy or Slovenia often choose the route through this tunnel.
A special toll applies on the described route, where otherwise the vignette for Austria is mandatory. With the digital route toll, you are well prepared for the traffic on the roads.
In the following article, we will reveal what the video toll at the Tauerntunnel is all about and how you can save valuable time with your purchase in advance.
The Tauerntunnel Toll – quick
passage with video tolls
No more annoying waiting—that’s what many drivers wish for on their way to their holiday destination. The principle of digital route tolling aims to minimise delays at toll stations. Anyone who registers in advance can pass through the toll booths on the Tauern Motorway (Autobahn) automatically.

Buying the Tauern
Tunnel toll online:
registration and costs
To avoid traffic jams at the toll booth, it is not only important to be in possession of a digital ticket, but also to provide the correct information online. We will explain what information is required for registration.
Important information about the vehicle
The most important information is the driver’s name and the vehicle’s license plate number. The license plate number plays a role not only when registering for the digital toll, but also later when passing the station.
The license plate of drivers who have already paid the video toll with a credit card or other means of payment is scanned and the barrier then opens.
Furthermore, it is important to provide a valid e-mail address. The confirmation will be sent by e-mail after the purchase of the ticket.
The Tauernautobahn runs from Salzburg in the northwest of Austria to Villach in the south. Only a certain part of the route is considered a special toll route, not its entirety.
In most cases, holidaymakers who travel from Germany via Austria to Slovenia also travel back a few days later. In addition to the yearly pass, a single-trip or double-trip ticket is available for this toll section.
If you add two tickets to your shopping cart in advance, you don’t have to worry about the fees on the return trip. That way, you can quickly and easily leave the toll sections behind.
The digital route toll has another special feature. At most sales offices, the toll is subject to a retention period of 18 days. Holidaymakers whose journey stretches across the Tauern Autobahn must therefore allow sufficient time before their trip through Austria can begin.
With our online shop, there is no time limit. Our offer is aimed at all motorists who want to start their trip today. The digital route toll for the Tauern motorway is valid immediately.
Another advantage that video tolling brings is that there is no more waiting at the toll station. All you must do when passing through the station is make sure you are in the correct lane. There is a separate lane for drivers who have already paid the digital route toll. The Go Lane can only be used by truck drivers with a Go Box.

Fees for the Tauerntunnel online
For vehicles driving through the Tauerntunnel, a fee of 6 euros (plus administrative fees) is due. The fee is valid either for the route St. Michael - Flachau (and vice versa) or Zederhaus - Flachau (and vice versa).
Caution: the toll fee mentioned is not the total cost. The fees for vignettes and other tunnels (Katschbergtunnel) must also be considered.

Vignette for the A10 Tauernautobahn
& Katschbergtunnel
When driving on the A10, you should not forget that the north-south connection across
the Alps consists of several parts. The longest tunnel in this section is the Tauerntunnel,
closely followed by the Katschbergtunnel.
Drivers heading to the border crossings into Italy or Slovenia via the motorway must note
that the route passes through both tunnels.
Toll for the Katschbergtunnel online
As for the Tauerntunnel, the toll for the Katschbergtunnel can also be paid online. The Katschbergtunnel connects directly to the Tauerntunnel and runs from the central toll station in St. Michael to Rennweg.
Fees for the total route
As mentioned before, the fee for the video toll at the Katschbergtunnel is 6.50 euros (plus administrative fees). If you decide to buy a combined ticket for both tunnels, you will therefore pay a price of 13 euros (plus administrative fees). Please note that this fee only applies when you uses a short part of the Tauern motorway only. If you use the full length the price will be higher.
When calculating, you should note that this does not include the fees for the vignette that you need for the motorways.
Vignette for Austria
and special toll routes
When driving on Austrian roads, you must comply with the obligation to have a vignette.
The obligation applies to all motorways and expressways managed by the infrastructure
company ASFINAG (with a few exceptions).
Motorways and expressways
The Austrian system prescribes the following distinction: a vignette for vehicles under 3.5 tons and a separate toll for motor vehicles over 3.5 tons is required.
The latter are buses and trucks that use a so-called Go Box to calculate the toll. For the category under 3.5 tons, no distinction is made between the different types of vehicles (except motorcycles).
The e-vignette for Austria is also available online.
Other special toll routes
The tunnels described above are not the only stretches of road where you must pay a special toll. In Austria, other tunnels and pass roads belong to this special category. For holidaymakers, routes such as the Brenner, the tunnel at the Arlberg, or the Karawankentunnel are particularly relevant. The prices for this trip must be considered separately, depending on the section.
If you have questions about the service at the toll booths or need help buying the vignette, you will find all the important details on our page.